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08 January 2009

Radio Modules Bring Re-Cycling Robots

LPRS Radio Modules Bring Re-Cycling Robots to LifeFoundation offers LPRS-Robotics, the maker of the United Kingdom animatronics devices easy radio modules for wireless cycler, the state of the art presentation robot. Specially designed and built for the environment and education charity Waste Watch, cycler is used to their message of prevention of waste reduction, reuse and recycling in schools in Britain.

LPRS Radio Modules Bring Re-Cycling LifeTo cycler robots for recycling education programs in schools a "handler" is required, he said that this should be done by sending commands through a hidden radio transmitter powered by easy-Radios . Cycler five micro-controllers for the brains and nervous systems, a reader MP3 audio file, the amplifier and speakers to speak to him, and seven for the electric motors to move.

The manager can turn cycler move his arms, his head movement and has full control of the MP3 player that allows highly interactive dialogues instead.

Between what is said to do, cycler runs his own integrated personality that makes him look around, move his eyes to blink, while moving his head and arms. For practical reasons cycler is not allowed to drive, unless ordered to do so by his manager. This program allows the personality of the manager are both hands while cycler to move and speak, in general, look at what makes life easier for the presentation by keeping the audience's attention.

To date, it is estimated that the Foundation cycler Robotics robots visits 3 schools a day, some 750,000 were children and are an excellent way to their young audience's attention during the presentations.

David Buckley, managing director of the Foundation-Robotique comments, "My original drawings were based on chipsets and wireless modules that promised ease of use. In practice, I discovered I had to spend much time layers of software error correction to achieve a degree of reliable wireless connectivity. After I found easily 433MHz modules Radio transmitter and receiver, I thought, I 'I had no mistakes. I even turned off the error correction, I had to use and easy-Radio has not stopped working. simple Radio is easy to use, reliable, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a solution for wireless control. "

Barry Gillibrand, Managing Director of LPRS comments: "The experience of the Foundation-Robotics is a typical example of the simple answer to our Radio. An out-of-the-box and stress-free solution to replace cables over short distance wireless modules. Our software is simple and easy to use and ensure reliability, error-free wireless